Abstract Use of rare earths, high silicon and carbon contents, and low cooling rates are reported as possible reasons for formation of chunky graphite in ductile iron castings. The understanding of this graphite degeneration is however limited, and the above conclusions are still controversial. To get further insight into this topic, ductile …
Degenerative (or, "chunky") graphite is likely to form in late-solidifying sections of ductile iron castings, especially where the section thickness is greater than 50 mm.
An analytical review of data on general-purpose grayed cast iron with different forms of graphite (lamellar, vermicular, globular, flaked) is presented. Grades of cast iron, their compositions, special features of structure of the graphite, and properties of gray, high-strength and malleable irons are described. The data on the kinds of iron …
phite degenerations like exploded graphite and chunky graphite. However, the effect of Sb in the melt on the ... avoid the formation of chunky graphite. Even in ductile cast irons without any Ce ...
High alloyed Si ferritic ductile irons can offer potential benefits because they combine high strength, ductility at room temperature, and low oxidation rate at high temperature. However, there is one known drawback and that is these cast irons have limited performance during thermal cycling due to a significant drop of ductility at warm …
Addition of the appropriate amounts of the nodularizing compounds is of extreme importance, since excessive magnesium and cerium contents, for example, …
This study investigates the process of incipient melting of a complex barium inoculant and its effects on graphite nucleation. In the study, the sample was prepared by introducing the inoculant grain into the melt of the ductile iron.
Shrinkage porosity or volume deficiency in ductile iron castings manifests itself in many different physical shapes and sizes. The terminology used to describe the various forms of shrinkage confuses operating personnel when they try to solve the problems. There is also confusion as to the use of thermal analysis events in estimating …
Antimony is used in ductile cast iron melts to avoid graphite degenerations like exploded graphite and chunky graphite. However, the effect of Sb in the melt on the crystallization of ductile cast…
Keywords: ductile cast iron, antimony, graphite nucleation, graphite growth, auger electron spectroscopy Introduction During solidification of mostly thick-walled ductile iron castings, the graphite has a tendency to degenerate during eutectic growth, which results in exploded or even chunky graphite. Possible reasons are long solidification ...
Ductile cast irons are materials having strength, impact toughness and ductility comparable to those of many grades of steel while exceeding by far those of standard gray irons. ... Exploded graphite is normally found in thicker section castings with slow cooling rates or at very high carbon equivalent levels. Figure 6: Sample with exploded ...
High silicon contents (between 3.2 and 4.2%) in the as-cast state are viewed as an opportunity to replace ferritic-pearlitic grades, avoiding potential hardness …
It has been reported that exploded graphite develops after the primary spheroidal nodules have reached some tens of microns in diameter. In this contribution, a model for this …
Flake Graphite Types. Gray cast iron is by far the most common of the cast irons. Next to steel, it is the most widely used engineering alloy.
This chapter is, for that reason, dedicated to the cast irons with spheroidal graphite, and particularly to the austempered ductile irons (ADI). ADI irons are spheroidal graphite cast irons of bainitic matrix with growing interest consequence of the excellent mechanical properties that make them competitive with steels.
The transition between graphite shapes such as flake, compacted, spheroidal, exploded, etc. is depicted in various microstructures. In addition, the relationship between certain compounds (e.g., titanium carbo-nitride, etc.) and graphite growth is demonstrated and discussed.
To further understand graphite growth mechanisms in cast irons, this study focuses on the crystal structure of a graphite spheroid in the vicinity of its nucleus.
Most spheroidal graphite irons (SGIs) have a matrix consisting of ferrite, pearlite, or a mix of the two. To achieve the desired matrix composition, pearlite promoters such as Mn, Cu, or Sn, are added to the molten metal. Among these elements, Sn is the most potent pearlite promoter. However, each has a different impact on the solidification, …
Ductile iron, also known as nodular iron or spheroidal graphite iron, is second to gray iron in the amount of casting produced. This article discusses the common grades of ductile iron that differ primarily by the matrix structure that contains the spherical graphite.
The precipitation of ultrafine graphite nodules improved strength and plasticity of ductile iron, which was mainly because ultrafine graphite nodules refined …
Graphite structures formed during the cooling of molten cast irons and during their solidification were examined in alloys as a function of composition, treatment (magnesium and/or rare earths) and inoculation. The effect of cooling rate and solidification conditions on the morphology of the resultant graphite was investigated using a variety of techniques …
Since 2012, solution strengthened ferritic ductile irons (SSF-DI) have been introduced in the UNI EN 1563 standard [1]. These alloys are characterized by a fully ferritic matrix, reinforced by ... known as chunky graphite (CHG), …
The present work brings new insights by transmission electron microscopy allowing disregarding or supporting some of the models proposed for spheroidal growth of graphite in cast irons. Nodules consist of sectors made of graphite plates elongated along a 〈a〉 direction and stack on each other with their c axis aligned with the radial …
These cast irons could also include other unwanted graphite morphologies, such as degenerated form (spiky graphite), exploded graphite, chunky graphite, etc. …
In hypereutectic nodular cast irons, primary precipitation of graphite may lead to graphite flotation in thick section castings. Graphite degeneracy such as so …
Non-spherical graphite morphology is detrimental on the mechanical properties of ductile iron castings. This includes the branched and interconnected chunky graphite that occasionally occurs in ...
ASTM Committee E-4 on Metallography began a program to develop a test method for rating the nodularity of graphite in ductile iron in 1986. The initial effort centered upon using the sphericity equation to assess the shape. However, an interlaboratory study showed that the perimeter measurement varied with the …
It allows a sound fatigue assessment of the fatigue strength of as‐cast ductile irons containing solidification defects, such as low nodule count, exploded, chunky and spiky graphite, or ...
The possible inoculation mechanisms in spheroidal graphite cast irons have been thoroughly reviewed by Skaland5 following previous ... An indirect support to this model was given by its ability to describe the formation of exploded graphite ... Trace elements and the control limits in ductile iron, in Proceedings of the 10th International ...
effect on the shrinkage tendency of ductile irons. Foundries operating at the higher end of the magnesium range, 0.05% or above, will find that the iron is more prone to shrink than ... Exploded graphite is normally found in thicker section castings with slow cooling rates or at very high carbon equivalent levels. Figure 6: Sample with exploded ...
2. Graphite Cast Irons under Isothermal Heat Treatment. Graphite cast iron materials, such as gray cast irons, austempered ductile irons, and ductile irons, are classes of structural material that are being produced at an ever-increasing rate.
Q: Chunky graphite continues to be a problem in our heavy-section ductile iron castings.We typically see this defect in the last-to-solidify areas of our castings. At times, following riser removal we see a discoloration on the casting surface, and further investigations generally show a microstructure that is indicative of chunky graphite.
Among cast irons with graphite particles, those containing nodules (ductile irons) are known to present a higher shrinkage risk than grey irons, which is somehow further increased in case of low inoculation. ... 4.3.2. Exploded Graphite.
Spheroidal graphite cast irons (SGCIs) have been widely used in automotive and energy industries requiring excellent mechanical strength and wear …
The form of graphite in the flotation band ranges from fairly well-formed hypereutectic nodules to a variety of undesirable forms, including "cauliflowered" and exploded nodules and chunky graphite. The undesirable forms become increasingly prevalent as the extent of flotation, section size and casting temperature increases.
Ferritic high-Si ductile cast irons replace an unstable mixed ferrite-pearlite matrix with a unique combination of high elongation, strength and hardness (ideal for automotive drive train components) and resistance to oxidation and corrosion at high temperatures (automotive exhaust and turbocharger systems). The present paper …
Antimony is used in ductile cast iron melts to avoid graphite degenerations like exploded graphite and chunky graphite. However, the effect of Sb in the melt on the crystallization of ductile cast … Expand