The performance of a thickener feedwell depends not only on its ability to generate large-sized aggregates from feed particles but also on aggregate density.
The flocculation that takes place in the central feedwell of the thickener plays a crucial role in the coal-slurry thickening process, which is not only complex but also largely influenced by the flow characteristics. A coupled computational fluid dynamics–population balance model (CFD–PBM) was used to model the complex …
The patented EvenfloTM feedwell has been installed in all types of thickener in China and around the world with significant improvements to overflow clarity and overall thickener …
The RadflowTM feedwell has now been installed in many large scale thickeners (both new and retrofits) and is demonstrating significant improvement in overall thickener …
ANDRITZ EcoSET is a cost-efficient thickener range that handles light- to medium-duty solid-liquid separation. The modular and standardized design reduces engineering requirements and delivery time.
The data are presented in terms of a recycle ratio of volumes flowing in and out of the feedwell, a solids dilution ratio based on mean fluxes in and out, and contoured sections of the concentration of suspended solids. This type of information is essential for an informed consideration of thickener and feedwell design.
Standard bridge-supported high-rate thickener designs are available for accelerated delivery, and include either welded or bolted elevated steel tank designs up to 40 m in diameter and are ideal for many applications.
These thickeners are characterised by a feedwell with a bottom plate to deflect the flocculated feed horizontally into a preformed flocculated bed. Modern high rate thickeners generally incorporate some form of internal dilution into the feedwell to dilute the feed and improve flocculation. Other than some minor design changes, feedwells in ...
This allowed for the installation to occur without having to lift the bridge and mechanism. The removal of the old feedwell and installation of the Evolute™took only two shifts to complete on site.CFD image showing fluid vectors exiting the Evolute™ feedwell.
This type of feedwell provides a turbulence-free environment for the slurry to enter the center of the thickener. The solid particles settle, forming a compaction zone in the lower portion of the thickener.
Enhancing Gravity Thickener Feedwell Design and Operation for Optimal Flocculation through the Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics. P. D. Fawell a CSIRO Mineral Resources, Perth, ... Early CFD feedwell modeling gave predictions on the solids and fluid flows, which were useful for identifying discharge asymmetry and short …
Continuous thickeners have undergone several modifications that have resulted from the development of a wide variety of organic polymeric flocculants. As a result, there are now two basic types of continuous thickeners: Conventional and High-rate. Conventional Thickeners These thickeners differ in the way they are built.
Field measurements in a conventional feedwell Figure 6 presents results from field measurements performed in an industrial 3.6-m feedwell above the shelf
The thickener bridge and mechanism are often upgraded in conjunction with the entire feed system. Upgrading these mechanical elements helps you to cope with new process …
Enviro-Clear - Manufacturer of clarifiers, thickeners, horizontal belt vacuum filters, pronto pressure filters, linear screens, and replacement drives. High capacity, high rate, and conventional thickeners / clarifiers provided for liquid solid separation for mining, chemical processing and industrial applications.
The feedwell performance in gravity thickeners and clarifiers relies on the efficient mixing between solid particles and flocculant to achieve effective flocculation, as well as energy dissipation of …
Thickeners are important units for water recovery in various industries. In this study, a vane feedwell has been investigated using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. The population balance model is used to describe particle aggregation and breakup. The Eulerian–Eulerian approach with RNG k–ɛ turbulence model is applied to …
Thickener Types Conventional thickeners can be operated with or without flocculation depending on the application and are traditionally easier to operate due to their relatively slow settling rates. Wa Hirate thickeners are designed to disperse flocculant efficiently into the settling zone of the thickener.
High-rate Thickeners are designed to provide roughly 12 times the throughput of conventional machines of similar size. The key features for high-capacity thickeners are …
The new feedwell design has been installed in a full-scale thickener at an Anglo Platinum site in South Africa. A number of operational factors complicate this application, but indications are that the new feedwell has led to improvements in stability and underflow properties. References:
Conventional thickener feedwell designs have two main shortcomings: short circuiting, where the feed stream momentum carries the flow prematurely down and around the …
often added to bridge the particles into large, ... thickener, feedwell design, flocculation, energy dissipation, computational fluid dynamics, simulation. ... into a region of lower shear within the bulk of the thickener. Conventional feedwell designs provide a very wide range of residence times, from very short (open feedwell) to ...
The Conventional Thickener Click on the thumbnail to maximize the image: Description The bridge type; This layer finds its way into the overflow launder and contaminates the clear overflowing liquid with fines This problem is solved by incorporating a scum baffle that retains the scum layer so that a special rotating scum skimmer thickener type ...
The AMIRA P266 'Improving Thickener Technology' series of projects has sought to provide a firm scientific basis for feedwell and thickener design, a requirement as pressures on water usage in the ...
feedwell technology • Automated operation, suitable to advanced control systems ... needs with a deeper solids bed and higher rake torque than our High Rate Thickener or conventional thickeners. Consistent and high-density underflow ... your aged thickener. The thickener bridge and mechanism are often upgraded in conjunction with the entire ...
Feed slurries are typically flocculated in a thickener's feedwell to increase the settling rate, underflow ... dilution/mixing box has been developed to replace a conventional flocculant manifold, with ... successively diluted during make-up and on the thickener bridge to ~0.025 %, before dosing into the feedwell. Further dilution, e.g. by ...
High Bridge, New. ABSTI Thickeners/clarifiers are widely used in mineral processing facilities. Thickeners play a ... handling capacity of a conventional thickener varies For example, in an application for handling coal ... conventional. In this paper, four types of applications as examples.
The thickener was designed to a duty of 80 t/hr and a feedwell volume flow of 1500 m 3 /hr, based on 3% w/w feedwell solids. In July 2006 feed material characteristics changed and thickener performance subsequently declined.
Feedwell is the heart of a thickener Jerold Johnson WesTech Engineering, Inc, USA Antonio Accioly WesTech Engineering, Inc, USA Abstract Thickeners that produce non-Newtonian underflow suspensions use the same feedwells as with other thickener types.