The drying and preheating process plays a crucial role in the induration of iron ore pellets. It is conducted on a closed, moving bed in both the straight grate...
The mathematical models are mass and heat balance equations incorporated with kinetic expressions of physical and chemical phenomena, which …
The model includes different physicochemical phenomenon like gas-solid heat and mass transfer, drying and condensation of free surface moisture, com-bustion of carbon, …
Abstract The drying process is a crucial stage in the thermal treatment of iron ore pellets in a straight grate, as it has a direct impact on pellet quality and energy consumption. Consequently, this paper develops a simulation model for the pellet bed drying process, which is validated through industrial data and enables the visualization of temperature …
case study that the model can be employed as a valuable tool for such purposes as process optimization and design of the induration machine. Keywords: mathematical modeling, pellet induration, straight grate, pellet shrinkage, iron ore pelletizing
Comparing the results with measured data proves that the model can be used for optimizing the iron ore pellet induration process and as an effective tool for other, similar thermodynamic process simulations. ... Mathematical models of straight-grate pellet induration processes have been developed and carefully validated by a number of …
This work presents a robust phenomenological model for the Traveling Grate system in an iron ore pellet induration plant on an industrial scale. The s…
In this work, a mathematical model for the straight-grate pellet induration furnace is presented. The induration furnace is an equipment used for the efficient heat …
A mathematical model of pellet induration process in the straight-grate system is presented. The important physical and chemical phenomena known to affect the heat and mass transfer in the process have been …
A mathematical model of the grate/kiln process for the induration of iron ore pellets, verified for an operating plant, has been used to investigate the effects of process variables on fuel and ...
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Mathematical modeling and combustion characteristic evaluation of a flue gas recirculation iron ore sintering process" by Gan Wang et al.
Commonality among decision variables corresponding to various Pareto optimal (PO) solutions obtained as a result of this multiobjective optimization study helps in unveiling the embedded relationship amongst them, which, in turn, can reveal the operating principles of running the process in an optimal fashion. Multiobjective optimization of an …
In this work, a mathematical model for the straight-grate pellet induration furnace is presented. ... a pseudo-2D XDEM packed bed reactor model is used to assess burden distribution effects in the firing of magnetite iron ore pellets. The model couples heat, mass, and momentum … Expand. 1.
A mathematical model of drying and preheating processes in a traveling grate was presented based on the laws of mass, momentum, heat transfer, and drying semiempirical relations. A field test was systematically carried out in a traveling grate. The effects of pellet diameter, moisture, grate velocity, and inlet gas temperature on the …
The focus of the current work is on induration of wet iron ore pellets on a moving straight grate furnace. The moving straight grate induration furnace is essentially a cross-current packed bed gas–solid non-catalytic …
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review regarding the available mathematical models for travelling-grate iron ore induration furnaces, pointing at some opportunities and aspects to ...
The paper presents a software that allows one to simulate the traveling grate furnace, evaluating product and process characteristics. The simulation follows a deterministic, fundamental-based mathematical model of the TGF, which considers the gas network, predicts pellet properties and energy consumption and productivity ofthe process.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review regarding the available mathematical models for travelling-grate iron ore induration furnaces, pointing at some opportunities and aspects to ...
We present a mathematical model of iron ore pellet drying and induration in an industrial scale application, and validate it against measured data. ... Mathematical models of straight-grate pellet induration processes have been developed and carefully validated by a number of workers over the past two decades.
In this work, a mathematical model for the straight-grate pellet induration furnace is presented. The induration furnace is an equipment used for the efficient heat and mass transfer between the…
The focus of the current work is on induration of wet iron ore pellets on a moving straight grate furnace. ... In order to utilize the mathematical model of straight grate induration process in an easy manner, we have developed a user-friendly interface to input the data and to view the simulation results. The GUI was developed in .NET.
A Dynamic Mathematical Model of the Complete Grate/Kiln Iron-Ore Pellet Induration Process J.A. THURLBY Induration (drying and hardening) of iron ore pellets is an energy-intensive feed preparation step for both the blast furnace and direct reduction routes to iron. It is commonly carded out by a 'grate/kiln'
Drying of a porous bed of iron ore pellets is here considered by modeling a discrete two-dimensional system of round pellets. As a complement to the two-dimensional model, a continuous one-dimensional model enabling fast calculations is developed. Results from the discrete model show that the temperature front advances faster in …
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review regarding the available mathematical models for travelling-grate iron ore induration furnaces, pointing at some opportunities and aspects to improve the accuracy of these models.
The objective of this paper is to optimize the parameters of pellet drying and preheating process in grate. A mathematical model of drying and preheating is developed, and is verified by the experiments. Further, the operating parameters of wind temperature, wind speed, grate speed and bed depth etc. are investigated through the orthogonal …
In that context, the current study is specifically to reassess the single particle combustion models in the iron ore pellet indurator simulation. As the feed of blast furnace, the typical iron ore pellet is made of mostly iron oxide mixed with coke, and limestone with water. ... Mathematical model for a straight grate iron ore pellet …
The performance of iron-ore pellet induration plants, including their energy consumption, is critically dependent on the relative flowrates and conditions of gas streams involved in the process. Equations and procedures for gas flow and pressure balance calculations within a dynamic mathematical model of the complete grate/kiln induration process are presented.
In this work, a mathematical model for the straight-grate pellet induration furnace is presented. The induration furnace is an equipment used for the efficient heat and mass transfer between the pellet bed and the flowing gas. The model includes different physicochemical phenomenon like gas-solid heat and mass transfer, drying and …
In this article, we show how a thermokinetic model of pellet induration, validated against operating data from one of the Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOCC) lines in Canada, …
Mathematical models of straight-grate pellet induration processes have been developed and carefully validated by a number of workers over the past two decades. However, the subsequent exploitation of these models in process optimization is less clear, but obviously requires a sound understanding of how the key factors control the operation.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review regarding the available mathematical models for travelling-grate iron ore induration furnaces, pointing at some opportunities and aspects to improve the accuracy of these models.
A mathematical model for simulating the moving straight-grate induration furnace has been successfully developed. The SGIFM is a first-principle based model …
We present a mathematical model of iron ore pellet drying and induration in an industrial scale application, and validate it against measured data. The model is …
A mathematical model of pellet induration process in the straight-grate system is presented. The important physical and chemical phenomena known to affect the heat and mass …
A mathematical model of pellet induration process in the straight-grate system is presented. The important physical and chemical phenomena known to affect …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Mathematical model for a straight grate iron ore pellet induration process of industrial scale" by S. Sadrnezhaad et al.
Mathematical models used for describing the heat hardening of iron-ore pellets should include a description of the development of fired strength. This paper reviews the mechanisms of strength development and presents a suitable formalism for strength development that can be used in mathematical models. The formalism is shown to …