Employing static input-output analysis, this study estimates the effects of increased domestic alumina refining of bauxite on the national income and the foreign exchange earnings of Jamaica and Guyana.
Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, foresees an inevitable cessation in the export of bauxite, noting that there are more long- term benefits in having it processed here in Jamaica.
The most common process step to feed an alumina refinery with bauxite is sizing of the raw bauxite material that is extracted from the mine. The first crushing of the bauxite may often take place at the mine before transport to …
In addition to the problems involved in the bauxite mining, another set of problems exist around the four plants in Jamaica that process the bauxite into alumina. The Bayer process uses large amounts of caustic soda some of which escapes into the air which, along with the dust from the extensive, one mile long red-mud lakes, …
It is also used in applications such as industrial and medical ceramics, sandpapers, pigments, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The Bayer Process is the most economic means of obtaining alumina from bauxite.
The JBI's Alumina Process Pilot Plant. Bauxite is the major ore for aluminum production. Alumina is extracted from bauxite by the Bayer process. The waste slurry generated in …
Building on previous research this study utilizes static input-output analysis to estimate national income and foreign exchange impacts of hypothesized aluminum smelting in Jamaica and Guyana.
Jamaica Bauxite Company), located in Discovery Bay, is the only company that ships the raw bauxite ore. COMPANY LOCATION OPERATIONS OWNERSHIP CAPACITY Alumina ... The mining and processing of bauxite continue to be one of the most important sectors of the Jamaican economy, accounting for about 10% of GDP. The industry
Alumina Partners of Jamaica (ALPART) has its bauxite mining and alumina processing plant located at Nain, St. Elizabeth, in the south of Jamaica. The company was first …
This page outlines the bauxite mining and refining process in Jamaica. It also outlines some of the environmental issues caused by bauxite mining.
Neita is concerned about the negative effects actions by environmentalists could have on the bauxite industry. It is acknowledged that while there have been positive developments through government regulations and the role of the Jamaica Bauxite Institute, bauxite mining and alumina processing have had negative impacts on the …
Jamalco Strengthens Earthquake Preparedness in Schools. Community Councils Benefit from Bee-keeping Training. 2024 COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS. 2023 Jamalco …
The topics covered by this study are: the bauxite-alumina industry's history, the evolution of its regulatory framework, the impacts of bauxite mining and processing on Jamaican society, public health and the natural environment, and the …
Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited (JBM) is a Government-owned company (a Public Body) with a business enterprise mandate. In addition to being the custodian of over 4,000 acres of Government properties in St. Ann, JBM monitors the operations of Discovery Bauxite Partners - a bauxite mining operation based in Discovery Bay, St. Ann. JBM holds 51% …
Jamaica Bauxite Institute, Hope Gardens, P. O. Box 355, Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I. ... established, mining and/or processing bauxite in the island. The industry faced enormous difficulties during most of the 1970s and 1980s as a …
The social impact of the bauxite-alumina industry on Jamaica's small rural communities has been, for the most part, very hurtful. Communities were directly impacted by being forced to relocate or face mining pits literally in their front gardens.
ALTHOUGH I have written about the Jamaican bauxite and aluminium industry in three books and numerous articles, I think it is appropriate to repeat some of what I have written to mark the 60th anniversary of …
The Maroons, descendants of Indigenous people on the island nation, are blocking the government's plan to move bauxite mining to their ancestral land.
Figure 1. Map of Jamaica showing generalized bauxite reserves areas and associated infrastructure – Processing Plants, Ports in the middle parishes of the island.
Jamaican bauxite deposits can broadly be classified into two types, catchment and hillside, depending on their form and topographic setting. The major iron phase in catchment deposits is hematite, while in hillside deposits this is aluminous goethite. The difference...
The commercial possibilities of Jamaican bauxite were recognized in 1943 at a time when there was great need for aluminum for the Allied war effort, and when availability was being made difficult by the harassment by German U-boats of Allied bauxite ships plying from...
TWO NOTABLE developments led to the emergence of two US companies, Reynolds Metals and Kaiser Aluminium, to join Alcan in developing the Jamaican industry.
1 11 March 2020 GENERAL ALUMINA JAMAICA LIMITED AND CLARENDON ALUMINA PRODUCTION LIMITED REACH AGREEMENT ON JAMALCO REORGANIZATION HIGHLIGHTS • Jamalco is one of the world's leading producers of alumina ("Jamalco") through its bauxite mining and alumina refinery headquartered at Halse Hall, Clarendon, …
The Alabama-born chemical engineer, who has held line responsibilities and headed operations for big bauxite-alumina companies Kaiser and Noranda at the Gramercy and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, alumina plants in the United States, and in mining and alumina processing operations in Jamaica, as well as consulted globally, is upbeat …
Finally, the technique utilized in this study for estimating income and foreign exchange effects from increased bauxite processing in Jamaica and Guyana should be applicable to other countries, and more generally, other minerals and commodities involving different processing chains. The latter application would provide necessary information …
In 2001 Alcan sold its bauxite mining and alumina plants in Jamaica but kept responsibility for many of the bauxite residue sites with the intention of safely remediating them to an agreed standard and transferring ownership to the Government of Jamaica. The agreed objective was maximum biodiversity rather than housing or agricultural use.
Download Citation | Approaches to the Processing of Jamaican Bauxite with High Goethite Content | Jamaican bauxite deposits can broadly be classified into two types, catchment and hillside ...
In October, 1943, Alcan was incorporated under the name Jamaica Bauxites Limited as a Jamaican company to investigate the commercial potential of Jamaican bauxite. In the same year, 2500 tonnes of ore was shipped to the USA for process investigation and it was realised that the bauxite was suitable for processing using Bayer technology.
According to GlobalData, Jamaica is the world's ninth-largest producer of bauxite in 2023, with output down by 17.29% on 2022. Over the five years to 2022, …