Abandoned Mine Drainage. Abandoned mine drainage is water that is polluted from contact with mining activity, and normally associated with coal mining. It is …
Request PDF | Experimental insights into the formation of secondary minerals in acid mine drainage-polluted karst rivers and their effects on element migration | Acid mine drainage (AMD) threatens ...
Acid mine drainage is one of mining's most serious threats to water. A mine draining acid can devastate rivers, streams, and aquatic life for hundreds, and under the "right" conditions, thousands of years.
Mining can adversely affect the quantity and quality of groundwater and surface water in mining areas (Bebbington and Williams 2008; Vidic et al. 2013), threatening the sustainability of water resources (Yang et al. 2013) and the public health of local residents (Li et al. 2016; Wu and Sun 2016).Ecological degradation and health problems due to …
Chemical Pollutants. Chemical pollution from agriculture, industry, cities, and mining threatens global water quality. Air pollutants from these activities can also enter bodies of water (and become water pollutants) through dry deposition, precipitation, and runoff.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the major sources of water pollution in and around both active and abandoned coal mines; hence it is regarded as a worldwide problem (Younger, 1995). The AMD is mainly caused by the oxidation of sulphides–pyrite, marcasite and pyrrhotite.
Contamination of water and sediments with arsenic and heavy metals is a global issue affecting human health. Regions covered with Quaternary deposits have received little attention from the point ...
The scope of the water pollution problem is massive, with broad areas of the world suffering from poor water quality. ... and the lack of secondary waste formation, the photocatalytic process is a contemporary and ecologically benign technology utilized in water ... Heavy metal ions are required for metabolism, but excessive amounts can be ...
Acid mine drainage is one of mining's most serious threats to water. A mine draining acid can devastate rivers, streams, and aquatic life for hundreds, and under the "right" …
To improve planetary health we need interdisciplinary solutions to limit the impact of soil and water pollution; for mine wastes this has to involve geochemical, mineralogical and microbiological considerations. ... Simplified schematic of acid mine drainage (AMD) formation. The oxidation of pyrite starts when in contact with oxygen …
The mine water guarantees the water resource supply for production, living and ecology of the local power plants, and chemical industry (Zheng et al., 2021). With the increasing mining depth, and the change of geological conditions, fluoride pollution of mine water is becoming increasingly prominent.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) threatens the water quality and safety of karst river water (KRW), and the formation of secondary iron or aluminum-bearing minerals during the mixing of AMD with KRW plays a crucial role in the migration of elements. However, the variations in the mineralogical, morphologica …
A review of acid mine drainage: Formation mechanism, treatment technology, typical engineering cases and resource utilization. Author links open overlay panel Yanan Jiao, ... it will not only cause severe pollution of the water body in the ecological environment, resulting in many aquatic organisms dying, but also disrupt the …
Containing special polluted mine water: mine water containing special pollutants refers to mine water of toxic substances such as fluoride, heavy metals, and radioactive elements. ... To analyze and process the acid mine water, we first need to understand the formation of coal mine acid water: in coal operations; the mining …
During the last 15 years, the possibility that natural ameliorative processes might be harnessed in mine water treatment systems has developed into a practice referred to as passive treatment. Although the term 'passive treatment' has been in use for almost a decade at the time of writing (e.g. Cohen and Staub, 1992), formal definitions of ...
The surface water and groundwater sites that were located downstream of subsurface and surface runoff were obviously affected by AMD. After being polluted by AMD, surface water and groundwater contained higher levels of trace elements and emerged as the HCO 3 − •SO 4 2--Ca 2+ •Mg 2+ type.
Mine drainage is surface water or groundwater that drains from an active or abandoned mine. In some cases, pyrite (an iron sulfide mineral) is exposed and reacts with air and water to form sulfuric acid and dissolved iron. Some or all of this iron can precipitate to form the red, orange, or yellow sediments in the bottom of streams containing mine drainage.
Water flowing through active or abandoned mine sites can become polluted by the material being mined [1]. By far the most common mine drainage problem is that of acid mine …
The last stage results in formation of stable and soluble ferric iron (at pH lower than 3.5) or formation of the red precipitate ferric hydroxide (at pH greater than 3.5) ... polluted mine water decants from underground and flows from the Randfontein mining environment into Tweelopiespruit stream and the surrounding farming lands [17, 37, 39 ...
Chemical pollution from agriculture, industry, cities, and mining threatens global water quality. Air pollutants from these activities can also enter bodies of water (and become water pollutants) through dry deposition, precipitation, and runoff.
Experimental insights into the formation of secondary minerals in acid mine drainage-polluted karst rivers and their effects on element migration. Author links open overlay panel Yeye Ren, Xingxing Cao, Pan Wu, ... (Chan et al., 2021). Meanwhile, the heavy metals from AMD can also lead to severe pollution of water quality and …
Water and oxygen are the main factors that assist in the formation of AMD. However, water is the source of pyrite oxidation, resulting in the generation of a highly rich acidic solution. ... and elevated levels of sulfate in AMD and hence ameliorate water pollution ... PGPR positively increases root length and adaptability in mine-polluted ...
The issues are undeniably worse in the developing countries, where conventional means of pollution including mining activities, industrial emissions, poor sanitation, insufficient waste management, polluted water sources, and other anthropogenic impacts are prevalent. Environmental pollution, however, prevails even …
Secondly, some scientific issues on the formation and evolution of mine water quality are discussed in detail, including the leading role of physical-chemical effects under different hydrogeological structures, the influence of time effect on water quality evolution, the relationship between microbial community structure characteristics and ...
The seasonal and spatial changes in the chemical composition of the water in abandoned mine drainages and rivers in Yudong River area in the years of 2017–2018 were analyzed. The effects of mine water drainage on the seasonality and physicochemical properties of the river water after mine closure were evaluated, and the feasibility of …
Water pollution is the release of substances (such as chemicals or microorganisms) ... mining and petroleum production, and leaking underground storage tanks below gasoline service stations. ... Another ocean pollution problem is the seasonal formation of ...
The authors explain the complexities of mine water pollution by reviewing the hydrogeological context of its formation, and provide an up-to-date presentation of prevention and treatment technologies. The book will be a valuable reference for all professionals who encounter polluted mine water on a regular or occasional basis.
The formation of ettringite is pH dependant, the opti mum pH range lying between 11.6 and 12.0. ... THE TREATMENT OF POLLUTED MINE WATER . The Treatment of polluted Mine Water ...
Mining activities and mine drain from abandoned mines are majorly responsible for heavy metal pollution in both soils and water bodies. They are considered as the conventional anthropogenic sources of metal pollution.